Wednesday, 18 July 2012

How Women Can Relieve Stress - Tips That Work

Nobody in their right mind would try to convince you that we live in a stress-free world. While it is true that men and women both are subjected to stress, it seems that men tend to have a harder time dealing with it. It used to be conventional wisdom that men had more stress than women, but ask any woman and you will find out that simply isn't true. In some ways, women are at a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with stress, but that doesn't have to be the case.

For one thing, a lot of women are mothers and have full time jobs as well. In a perfect world, men and women would share all of the household responsibilities equally, but study after study has shown that women do much more of the work around the home, and that's even if they work outside of the home.

Several techniques are available that can help women start relieving stress. Here are some of the most effective methods for reducing stress.

Stress Relief Tip #1: Use the magic word. What is the magic word? The word is 'no'. That's right! Perhaps there is an inborn need women have to take care of things, or maybe it has been thrust upon them by society. Either way, they often find it hard to say no. While this isn't always a problem if it doesn't get too far out of hand, it can add to your stress if you start ignoring yourself. Besides, if you really want to help others, then doesn't it make sense that you should be as free from stress as possible?

Stress Relief Tip #2: Go for a walk. Or, participate in any form of exercise. Walking, swimming, dancing, hiking, going for a bike ride, or any other activity will help you in several ways. It will give you time to clear your mind. It can also help you to blow off steam in a constructive manner. See, society generally says that women can express happiness and cry once in a while, but not show their anger. That doesn't mean you should never get mad, but rather that exercise is a healthy outlet to get rid of some of the anger that can lead to stress. Of course, the fact that exercise will also make you healthier is just icing on the cake.

Stress Relief Tip #3: Treat yourself. You have to take some time to do good things for yourself, to do the things you enjoy. You don't have to forget everybody else, but be sure to remember you too. Don't just promise yourself that you will do something nice when you have the time. Instead, schedule time for yourself every day, or every week. And don't feel guilty about it either; you've earned it. You will feel better, and the people around you will notice an improvement as your stress starts to melt away. Read More..

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How To Relieve Stomach Gas - Oops - No More

While having gas may be one of the eternal subjects of bawdy humor, anyone who has it doesn't think of it as a joke. Stomach gas can not only cause belching and flatulence, but it can also make you feel awful with the pain and bloating that go along with it. If you're looking for ways to relieve stomach gas, then you'll be happy to know there are some simple things you can do.

One of the causes of gas build up is the habit of swallowing too much air. This can be the result of taking in air when we are chewing our food or gum, or it may be that we don't breathe properly in general. Once you are aware of these possible bad habits, you can start  to make the changes needed to reduce this potential cause of gas in the stomach. Taking in too much air isn't the only cause of gas, but it is one of the easiest to fix, so it's a good place to start.

The next step you can take to get rid of gas is to eat fewer of the foods that cause gas. Some of the well-known offenders for making people gassy are beans, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. The downside is that these are also some of the healthiest foods you can eat. They are low in fat and high in fiber. And even though they may cause gas, it's important that you get plenty of fiber as part of your daily diet. On the plus side, there are tablets and powders that you can take with your meal that promise to reduce gas, but they aren't 100% effective in all people.

Other foods to watch out for are those that are heavy in white flour and sugar. These are heavily processed foods, and the body breaks them down differently, which can sometimes lead to gas. Spicy foods also have a tendency to wreak havoc on your stomach, so you may want to bypass those as well. Everybody is different, and may respond to various foods in different ways. One thing that may help is to keep a record of everything you eat for a few weeks, and also track how your stomach feels throughout the day. By doing this, you should be able to get a good idea of what your specific problem foods are.

If you feel like you have tried everything, but still have a gassy stomach, then it's time to make an appointment with your doctor. While it can be embarrassing to talk about, remember that your doctor is a professional and won't make fun of you or your problem. There is always a chance that there are more major underlying health issues. So it's important to seek medical advice if the problem is persists.

The main thing to keep in mind is that you don't have to live with stomach gas. You now have some information that you can use to start feeling better, but it's up to you to take the first step.

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