Thursday, 1 December 2011

3 Easy Ways To Relieve Insomnia Starting Tonight

If you are one of the millions of people that are suffering from insomnia, then you should know that there are some things you can do to make it less of a problem. While many turn to prescription medications, they don't always work and they can have a big impact on your health and your pocketbook. Not to worry, there are other ways to combat sleeplessness and we will look at some of the best ones in this article.

There are many causes of insomnia, with hormonal imbalance and stress being two of the biggest culprits. While the items below will help in a lot of cases, your case may be more severe. If so, then see your doctor as a prescription may be your best alternative. But, before you go that route, try these things first:

1. Loosen up - Okay, I'll be the first to admit that this is easier said than done, but it is the first step to beating insomnia. We all have things to worry about, but you have to find a way to let those things go before bedtime. In fact, by purposely forgetting them before retiring for the evening, you may actually solve those problems while you sleep. However, if you go to bed with the intention of solving a hard problem, then your subconscious will work differently by trying to keep you awake to solve. It all sounds counter-intuitive, but you have the best chance of solving your problems by not worrying about them before bed. At the same time, it's vital that you don't worry about how much sleep you will or won't get. Focusing on your insomnia is about the surest way to have insomnia. The key is to do things to help you unwind, to help you shift from the cares of the day to preparing to sleep.

2. Stay healthy - Exercising too close to bedtime will only serve to make it harder to fall asleep. However if you exercise several hours earlier, your body will be more ready to sleep. Eating well is important to your overall health, and this extends to how well sleep. The healthier you are, the better you will sleep. Also, sleeping well is part of being healthy, so you will see a difference if you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

3. Learn relaxation techniques - There are many different techniques designed to help people relax and sleep better. You can purchase audio programs that use a form of guided meditation to help you drift off into a deep and restorative sleep. You can also try the following technique on your own: As you lie in bed start at your toes and release all of the energy from them, letting them melt right into your mattress. Then move up to your feet, ankles, calves, knees, and all the way up to the top of your head. As you do this, you will be letting go of the tension you have built up over the course of your day and drifting off to sleep before you know it.

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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Exercise To Relieve Stress And Lose Weight

If you have been paying attention to the news lately, you have probably noticed two things: people are getting heavier, and they are experiencing a lot more stress. It's hard to imagine that this is a simple coincidence. In fact, a lot of of the complications of obesity and stress are the same. The good news is that there may be a single solution to both problems, and that is exercise. Exercise can help you lose weight by burning calories, and it can also help relieve stress by releasing feel-good chemicals known as endorphins. Let's look at both of these benefits of exercise in a bit more detail.

The more you weigh, the more physical stress you will put on your body. The question is whether or not that physical stress translates into mental stress. Unfortunately, there is no solid answer to that question yet. However, there is plenty of evidence that losing weight is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health. And you can only lose weight by burning more calories than you take in. One way to accomplish this is through exercise. You don't even have to do that much of it. As few as 30 minutes per day, most days of the week, can start to add up. What you do for exercise isn't all that important. What counts is that you are getting active and burning off some of those extra calories.

Exercise can also reduce your level of stress by releasing endorphins. These are chemical that make you feel good, and are responsible for what's known as "runner's high". Endorphins are somewhat similar to morphine, and will help to relieve stress.

When you make exercise a part of your normal routine, the endorphins will be released more often, and you will get the stress-relieving benefits more often, too. This good feeling isn't just there during the workout, but it can last for several hours after you are finished exercising. There is also something therapeutic about exercise, as it helps you blow of steam. All of those little frustrations you face every day suddenly start to vanish. This beats the alternative of letting all of the frustration build up until you explode in an uncontrollable (and potentially dangerous) fit of rage.

Getting rid of frustration in a healthy manner is so much better than doing other things. Exercise is a natural way to handle stress, so there's no need to take questionable medications or engage in risky behaviors to forget about your troubles. If you have a lot of stress to get rid of, then have a more intensive workout. On the other hand, if you would just like to have a lower level of stress overall, then regular exercise is a smart choice. It can help you lose weight, relieve stress and be healthier, too.

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